What is
the gender of the word "computer"?
programmer answered:
The word "computer" is feminine for the five following
1) No person understands
its logics except for its designer
2) You need to turn it
on if you want to see what is it
3) The menus offer numerous
options but, many of them are unavailable
4) A minute error is
stocked in the memory to be brought out untimely
5) It will not take you
a long time to get that the computer and the its gadgets cost you
a fortune.
programmer's fiancee answered:
The word "computer" is masculine for the five following
1) You have to turn it
on to attract his attention.
2) It contains a lot
of information but very little of imagination.
3) It is absolutely uncapable
to empty the dustbin without your command.
4) It is supposed to
help you, but it is he who causes problems.
5) It will not take you
a long time to get that if you had waited a little bit more, you
would have obtained a more advanced model.